You are here: Home / C.S.A.RT – creating community through agriculture and art

may, 2021

29may8:0020:00C.S.A.RT - creating community through agriculture and art

Event Details

C.S.A.RT – creating community through agriculture and art 29.05.21

Communiy Supporting Agriculture (CSA) are direct partnerships based on the relations among small communities and one or more farmers. They share risks, responsibilities and benefits of agriculture, subscribing a long-term binding agreement.

European Declaration on CSA, Ostrava 2016

Agroforesta Bonsai project, coordinated by Futura ONLUS Cooperative, provides for the creation of an agricultural community start up and a Community Supported Agriculture.

Il progetto Agroforesta Bonsai, coordinato dalla Cooperativa Futura ONLUS, prevede l’avvio di una start up agricola comunitaria e di una Community Supported Agriculture.[%7B%22surface%22%3A%22page%22%7D]%7D


(Saturday) 8:00 - 20:00

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