february, 2021
09feb9:0019:00Taste of Ethiopia - Karlín
Event Details
If you are intrested in Ethiopia cuisine , come and trye. Etiopská hovězí omáčka se zeleninovou omáčkou a injera/rýže Ethiopian Beef sauce with vegetable sauce and injera/rice
Event Details
If you are intrested in Ethiopia cuisine , come and trye.
Etiopská hovězí omáčka se zeleninovou omáčkou a injera/rýže
Ethiopian Beef sauce with vegetable sauce and injera/rice
Ethiopian Beef sauce with vegetable sauce and injera/rice
Etiopská čočková omáčka se zeleninovou omáčkou a injera/rýže (Veg)
Ethiopian lentil sauce with vegetable sauce and injera/rice (Veg)
Ethiopian lentil sauce with vegetable sauce and injera/rice (Veg)
Mahberawi (vše mix)
Mahberawi (all mix)
Mahberawi (all mix)
Etiopská čočková jarní rolka (Veg)
Ethiopian Lentil Spring Roll (Veg)
Ethiopian Lentil Spring Roll (Veg)
Etiopský hovězí jarní závitek
Ethiopian Beef Spring Roll
Ethiopian Beef Spring Roll
(Tuesday) 9:00 - 19:00
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